Luis Santos becomes Visiting Fellow at JILA

Luis Santos, PI both at the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers and the Collaborative Research Center DQ-mat, joins the ranks of many renowned researchers who have been a JILA visiting fellow. JILA is a research institute in Boulder, Colorado in the United States. It is one of the leading institutes in the physical sciences where, for example, the world's first Bose-Einstein condensate was created in 1995.

The JILA Visiting Fellow programme is a prestigious research exchange whose participants are selected in a competitive process. Luis Santos, from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Leibniz University, will visit JILA in June in the frame of this programme.

During his stay, he will focus on his on-going collaboration with Prof. Ana María Rey on non-equilibrium many-body dynamics, and intensify the collaboration between JILA and Quantum Frontiers.

Read more information about JILA on the Institute webpage.