The Collaborative Research Centre DQ-mat has been funded by the DFG since 2016. It is currently in its second funding period, which ends in mid-2024. The goal is to extend it for another four years, which would be the maximum duration of a Collaborative Research Centre. This requires a successful evaluation by the DFG and external reviewers in the coming year.
The DQ-mat researchers are already setting the course for this. Last week, more than 60 scientists met for an intensive exchange. Over two days, all sub-projects presented, discussed and further developed their research results.
"We have already achieved a lot together, but we also still have some plans and we have come up with promising new ideas," says spokesperson Piet Schmidt, summing up the two days. "Now we have to translate all this into a convincing proposal so that we can complete our research programme as planned in a third funding period. That is quite a bit of work, but we are an excellent team and I am confident that we will succeed."