Collaborative Research Centre 1227: Designed Quantum States of Matter News & Events Archive
Guest Talk: Prof. Dr. Ulf Bissbort, Singapore University of Technology & Design Engineering Product Development

Guest Talk: Prof. Dr. Ulf Bissbort, Singapore University of Technology & Design Engineering Product Development

Minimalistic quantum motors

Friday, 12th May 2017

12:00 p.m.

Seminarraum 267, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Appelstraße 2, Hannover

Abstract: We introduce a minimalistic quantum model of coupled heat and particle transport. The system is composed of two spins, each coupled to a different bath and to a particle which moves on a ring consisting of three sites. We show that a spin current can be generated and the particle can be set into motion at a speed and direction which sensitively depends not only on the baths' temperatures, but also on the various system parameters. This current can withstand dissipative processes, such as dephasing. Furthermore, the particle can perform work against an external driving, thus operating as an efficient quantum motor, whose implementation could be envisaged in trapped ions or solid state systems. A two-particle extension of the model shows that particle interactions can qualitatively change the induced current, even causing current inversion.