Collaborative Research Centre 1227: Designed Quantum States of Matter News & Events Archive
Guest Talk: Prof. Dr. Fancesco S. Cataliotti, LENS and University of Florence

Guest Talk: Prof. Dr. Fancesco S. Cataliotti, LENS and University of Florence

Quantum Control on an Atom Chip

on May 04 at 1:00 pm (13:00 Uhr)

at the Institute of Quatum Optics (Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover),

Room D326 (Seminarraum)



We produce a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb with an Atom-Chip. The Atom-Chip is also equipped with RF sources for coherent transfer of atoms between internal states in order to realize an atom interferometer.

We demonstrate a novel scheme for the tomographic reconstruction of atomic states that combines the inherent stability of the atom chip setup with the flexibility of optimization schemes. This scheme allowed confirming of the superb control on parameters allowed by the experimental set-up and put it to use on improved control algorithms to realise arbitrary superposition states [3]. In the same set-up we can further control the available Hilbert space for quantum evolution exploiting Quantum Zeno dynamics [4]. Finally we show a possible route for controlling the coupling to an environment by experimentally demonstrating the stochastic Quantum Zeno effect; i.e. we prove an ergodicity relation between the survival probabilities of different stochastic series that respectively correspond to time and ensemble averages.

These experiments prove that Atom Chips can be ideal tools for the control of quantum dynamics opening a new way to realizing novel quantum logical gates.