Jour Fixe DQ-mat

DQ-mat Video-Conference

In addition to its own Jour Fixe below, DQ-mat is also co-organizer of the virtual "Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries" 

The lectures take place on Thursdays.

Upcoming Events

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Past events

30 Jan
30. Jan. 2025 | 16:00 - 17:30
Julian Léonard - Assembling quantum matter atom by atom
23 Jan
23. Jan. 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00
Peter Fierlinger - Electric Dipole Moments
09 Jan
09. Jan. 2025 | 16:00 - 17:30
Gilad Perez - Preparing for the Thorium-229 revolution
11 Dez
05 Dez
05. Dez. 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30
David Weld - Magic-band Floquet-Bloch Atom Interferometry
29 Nov
28 Nov
22 Nov
21 Nov
07 Nov
07. Nov. 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30
Andrea Tononi - Quantum gases in curved geometries

Previous Terms

  • Summer 2024
  • Winter 2023/2024
    30 Nov
    30. Nov. 2023 | 16:00 - 17:00
    Dr. Guillem Domenech: Gravitational waves from primordial fluctuations
    26 Okt
    26. Okt. 2023 | 16:00 - 17:00
    DQ-mat Colloquium
    Prof. Emeritus Hans Bachor: Hype and Trust in Q-technology
  • Summer 2023
    06 Jul
    08 Jun
    25 Mai
    28 Mär
    28. Mär. 2023 | 10:15 - 12:15
    DQ-mat Block Lecture
    Prof. Dr. Antoine Browaeys: Rydberg atom-based quantum computing
    27 Mär
    27. Mär. 2023 | 10:15 - 12:15
    DQ-mat Block Lecture
    Prof. Dr. Antoine Browaeys: Rydberg atom-based quantum computing
  • Winter 2022/2023

    Winter 2022/2023


    16:00-17:00 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau, University of Stuttgart, Germany
    "Dipolar quantum droplets and supersolids" Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Kilian Singer, University of Kassel, Germany
    "Heat engine with trapped ions" Abstract (PDF)


    16:00-17:00 ONLINE Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Leticia Tarruell, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
    "Engineering gauge theories with Bose-Einstein condensates" Abstract (PDF)

    01.12.2022 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Block lecture by Prof. Dr. Tracy Northup, Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
    "Cavity-QED with trapped ions and nanoparticles I" Abstract (PDF)

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 Meeting

    16:00-17:00 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grote, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
    "Searching for dark matter and quantization of space-time with quantum-enhanced interferometry" Abstract (PDF)

    02.12.2022 in Braunschweig

    10:00-12:00 Block lecture by Prof. Dr. Tracy Northup, Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
    "Cavity-QED with trapped ions and nanoparticles II" Abstract (PDF)

    12.01.2023 in Hannover

    16:00-17:00 Colloquium by Ass. Prof. Onur Hosten, Institute of Science and Technology, Klosterneuburg, Austria
    "Quantum sensing with entangled atoms and mechanical pendulums" Abstract (PDF)

    19.01.2023 in Hannover

    16:00-17:00 Colloquium by Dr. Tim Freegarde, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK
    "Composite pulses for atom interferometry"  Abstract (PDF)

    20.01.2023 in Hannover, Welfengarten 1, D326

    13:30-14:30 Colloquium by Dr. Christof Weitenberg, Institut für Laserphysik, Universität Hamburg, Germany
    "Ultracold atoms in optical lattices: novel directions in topological matter and microscopy" Abstract (PDF)


    14:30-15:30 ONLINE TG 2 Meeting
    Guest Prof. Dr. Enno Giese, TU Darmstadt, "Atom interferometry and quantum clocks"

    Colloquium in Hannover by Ass. Prof. Baptiste Allard, Laboratoire IRSAMC-LCAR, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
    "Large momentum transfer atom interferometer in the quasi-Bragg Regime" Abstract (PDF)


  • Summer 2022




    15:00-16:00 ONLINE Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Lieven Vandersypen, TU Delft, The Netherlands
    "Quantum Computing - Spins Inside" Abstract (PDF)


    13:00-15:00 Block Lecture Prof. Dr. Niels Madsen, Swansea University, United Kingdom

    "Antihydrogen Physics"

    (LUH, Room 317, Building 3406, Callinstraße 36)  


    10:00-12:00 Block Lecture Prof. Dr. Niels MadsenSwansea University, United Kingdom

    "Antihydrogen Physics"

    (LUH, Room 317, Building 3406, Callinstraße 36)    

    15:00-16:00 Colloquium by Dr. Benjamin Canuel, Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine, LP2N, Talence-Bordeaux, France
    "Large scale atom gradiometry for the study of gravity"
    Abstract (PDF)

    (LUH, Room D326, Building 1101, Main Building, Welfengarten 1)  


    10:00-12:00 Block Lecture Prof. Dr. Michael TarbuttImperial College London, United Kingdom 

    "Testing fundamental physics with laser-cooled molecules"

    (LUH, Room 317, Building 3406, Callinstraße 36)  


    10:00-12:00 Block Lecture Prof. Dr. Michael Tarbutt, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

    "Testing fundamental physics with laser-cooled molecules"

    (Room 317, Building 3406, Callinstraße 36)  

    14:00-15:00 Talk, Dr. Matthew Bohmann, NIST

    "The NIST Al+ Ion Clock: Towards Clock Comparison Measurements at the Systematic and Lifetime Limit"    

    (PTB, Vieweg-Bau, Room 133)  


    15:00-16:00 ONLINE Colloquium by Prof. Dr. David Lucas, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

    "Quantum networking with trapped ions: two things to do with two qubits two metres apart"
    Abstract (PDF)


    13:00-14:30 ONLINE TG Meeting (TG4) "Floquet engineering in open quantum systems"

    15:00-16:00 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Simon Stellmer, Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn, Germany
    "Isotope shift spectroscopy to search for beyond-standard-model physics" Abstract (PDF)

    (LUH, Room D326, Building 1101, Main Building, Welfengarten 1)  


    13:00-14:00 Lecture by Dr. Christian Sanner, JILA 

    "Atom-light interactions in a quantum degenerate Fermi gas"    

    (PTB, Vieweg-Bau, Room 133)  


    15:00-16:00 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Oliver Buchmüller, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
    "Cold Atom Quantum Technology to Explore Fundamental Physics" Abstract (PDF)

    (LUH, Room D326, Building 1101, Main Building, Welfengarten 1)  


    13:00-15:00 ONLINE TG Meeting (TG4) "Ergodicity breaking in many-body systems"

    15:00-16:00 Colloquium by Mag. Dr. Marcus Huber, Privatdoz., University of Vienna, Austria
    "High-dimensional entanglement for quantum communication" Abstract (PDF)

    (LUH, Room D326, Building 1101, Main Building, Welfengarten 1)  


    14:00-15:00 TG Meeting (TG2) "Frequency comparisons between Yb+ and Sr+ optical clocks" 

    PTB, Seminar room, Goeppert-Mayer Bau

  • Winter 2021/2022


    13:00-15:00 TG Meeting (TG2) Time Dilation in Atomic Clocks


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Michael Kues, Institut für Photonik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
    "Photonic frequency-domain circuits for quantum state generation and processing"
    Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Ilja Gerhardt, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
    "From Single Molecules to Many, Many Atoms"
    Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Dr. Robin Corgier, Università degli Studi di Firenze, QSTAR, INO-CNR and LENS, Italy
    "Quantum-enhanced atom interferometry”
    Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Roee Ozeri, The Weizmann Institute of Science
    Rehovot, Israel
    " Ultracold atom-ion interactions"
    Abstract (PDF)


    13:30-15:00 TG Meeting (TG1) Painted potentials for neutral Atoms


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Dr. Benjamin A. Stickler, University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Duisburg, Germany
    "Testing and Exploiting Macroscopic Quantum Physics"
    Abstract (PDF)


    13.30-15:00 TG Meeting (TG4) Designed many-body lattice Systems

    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Monika Aidelsburger, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
    "Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms – from Hubbard models to gauge theories"
    Abstract (PDF)


    13:00-14:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Ignacio Cirac, Max-Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
    "Quantum computing and the difficulty of simulating quantum many-body system"
    Abstract (PDF)


    15:30-17:30 Block Lecture by Prof. Dr. Florian Marquardt "Machine Learning for physics" (Block 1)


    10:30-12:30 Block Lecture by Prof. Dr. Florian Marquardt "Machine Learning for physics" (Block 2)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Saida Guellati-Khélifa, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
    Université P. et M. Curie, Paris, France
    "Accurate determination of the fine structure constant using atom interferometry"
    Abstract (PDF)

  • Summer 2021


    15:30-16:30 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Albert Schliesser, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, "Measuring macroscopic motion at and beyond the Standard Quantum Limit"

    Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Dr. Jan Chwedenczuk, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland, "Many-body nonlocality as a resource for quantum-enhanced metrology"

    Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Dr. Christian Marciniak, Dept. of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria

    Abstract (PDF)


    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Dr. Martin Leib, Volkswagen Data:Lab, München, Germany

    Abstract (PDF)


    10:00-11:30 Online Lecture by Prof. Dr. Luis Santos (ITP), Quantum simulations with noisy quantum computers

    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann, Department of Physics, University of Erlangen, Germany, "Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum Computing on Superconducting Devices"

    Abstract (PDF)


    10:00-12:00 Online Lecture by Prof. Dr. Tobias Osborne (LUH), Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning 

    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Dr. Ofer Firstenberg, Dept. of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, "Strong photon-photon interactions in atomic ensembles"

    Abstract (PDF)


    11:15-12:15 Online Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (LUH), Quantum computing with trapped Ions 

    15:00-16:00 Online Colloquium by Jun. Prof. Dr. Stefan Nimmrichter, Theoretical Quantum Optics Group, University of Siegen, Germany, "Quantum Thermodynamics with Repeated Interactions: Thermometers, Batteries, lesser Demons"

    Abstract (PDF)


    16:00-17:00 Online Colloquium by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Raussendorf, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada "Computationally Universal Phase of Quantum Matter"

    Abstract (PDF)

  • Winter 2020/2021



    15:30-16:30 Online Colloquium by Dr. Anna Ijjas, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, "Cosmology Reconsidered", (Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)

    Abstract (PDF)

    28.10.2020 (ZOOM event)

    10:00-12:00 Block lecture Prof. Dr. Georgy Shlyapnikov, Universite Paris-Saclay, France, "Dipolar Fermi gases. Novel states and phenomena I", (Prof. Dr. Luis Santos)

    29.10.2020 (ZOOM event)

    10:00-12:00 Block lecture Prof. Dr. Georgy Shlyapnikov, Universite Paris-Saclay, France, "Dipolar Fermi gases. Novel states and phenomena II", (Prof. Dr. Luis Santos)


    15:30-16:30 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Guglielmo Timo, Università degli Studi di Firenze, "Testing gravity with cold atom interferometry: Results and prospects", (Prof. Dr. E. M. Rasel / Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)

    Abstract (PDF)


    14:30-15:30 Online Colloquium by Dr. Christian Smorra,  Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, "Methods for improving high-precision matter-antimatter comparisons", (Prof. Dr. C. Ospelkaus)

    Abstract (PDF)

    03.12.2020 (ZOOM event)

    10:15-11:45 Block lecture Prof. Dr. Pavel Cejnar, Charles University, Praque, Czechia, "Quantum critical effects in collective freedom of many-body systems - part I", (Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt)

    04.12.2020 (ZOOM event)

    10:15-11:45 Block lecture Prof. Dr. Pavel Cejnar, Charles University, Praque, Czechia, "Quantum critical effects in collective freedom of many-body systems - part II", (Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt)


    15:30-16:30 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Jingbiao Chen,  Peking University, "Calcium beam optical frequency standards and active optical clocks", (Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)

    Abstract (PDF)


    15:30-16:30 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Peter Schmelcher, Universitaet Hamburg, "Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecules", (Prof. Dr. J. Ullrich, Prof. Dr. P. O. Schmidt)

    Abstract (PDF)

    19.01.2021 (ZOOM event)

    12:15-13:45 Block lecture by Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, "Low-energy tests of fundamental physics", (Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus)

    Abstract (PDF)

    21.01.2021 (ZOOM event)

    10:15-11:45 Block lecture by Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, "Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter", (Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus)

    Abstract (PDF)


    15:30-16:30 Online Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Philipp Haslinger,  Technische Universität Wien, "Atom Interferometry" (Dr. D. Schlippert)

    Abstract (PDF)

  • Summer 2020

    14.05.2020 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 and TG 2 meeting
    15:30-16:30 Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (PD Dr. H. Weimer) 

    Abstract (PDF)

    25.06.2020 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 2 meeting: Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt and Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer Theme: “Entanglement and dynamic decoupling in ion clocks”
    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/Talk by Prof. Dr. Subhadeep Gupta, University of Washington (Dr. Dennis Schlippert)

    Abstract (PDF)

    09.07.2020 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 3 and TG 4 meeting
    15:30-16:30 Colloquium by Dr. Stuart Szigeti, Australiian National University (Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)

    Abstract (PDF)

  • Winter 2019/2020

    24.10.2019 in Hannover

    10:15-12:00 TG 1 meeting

    07.11.2019 in Hannover

    08:30-10:00 Block lecture Prof. Dr. Andreas Wallraff, ETH Zürich
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. C. Ospelkaus)
    Theme: Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits I

    10:20-12:00 Block lecture Prof. Dr. Andreas Wallraff, ETC, Zürich
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. C. Ospelkaus)
    Theme: Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits II

    13:00-15:00 TG 3 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Christian Groß, MPI, Garching
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. P.O. Schmidt)


    21.11.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 4 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Arno Rauschenbeutel, Humboldt Universität Berlin
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)


    05.12.2019 in Braunschweig

    13:00-15:00 TG 2 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Florian Schreck, University of Amsterdam
    (Guest of Porf. Dr. P. Schmidt)


    14.01.2020 in Braunschweig

    15:30-16:30 Colloqium/talk by Prof. Dr. Robert Berger, Universität Marburg
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. J. Ullrich)

    23.01.2020 in Hannover

    09:30-12:30 Lecture in Hannover, Dr. Angelo Bassi, University of Trieste,
    Topic: Spontaneous wave function collapse models: what they are and how they can be tested
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. E.M. Rasel)

    13:00-15:00 TG meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt, Universität Innsbruck
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. P.O. Schmidt)




  • Summer 2019

    11.04.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 Meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang DürUniversität Innsbruck
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. P.O. Schmidt)


    25.04.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 3 Meeting - rescheduled to 29.04.2019 (in Braunschweig)

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Dennis Rätzel, Humboldt Universität, Berlin
    (Guest of Dr. D. Schlippert /Prof. Dr. E.M. Rasel)


    09.05.2019 in Braunschweig

    13:15-15:00 TG 2 Meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Jakob Reichel, Institut Universitaire de France, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel de l'E.N.S., Paris
    (Guest of Dr. T. Mehlstäubler)


    23.05.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 4 Meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Peter Zoller, Universität Innsbruck
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. P.O. Schmidt)


    20.06.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 1+2 Meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Christoph Becker, Universität Hamburg
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. C. Klempt)  - CANCELED


    25. - 26. 06.2019 Block lecture in Hannover

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jonathan Home, ETH, Zürich
    Title: The ion-trap Quantum computer

    25.06.2019   09:30-11:30, Institut für Quantenoptik, room D326
    25.06.2019   13:00-15:00, Institut für Quantenoptik, room D326


    03. - 04. 07.2019 Block lecture in Hannover

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Stefan Kuhr, University of Glasgow
    Quantum gas microscopes, experiments in optical lattices, many-body systems in lattices.

    03.07.2019   14:15-16:30, Institut für Quantenoptik, room D326
    04.07.2019   10:00-12:00, Institut für Quantenoptik, room D326

    04. 07.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:30 TG 3+4 Meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Häffner, University of California, Berkeley, USA
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. P.O. Schmidt)


  • Winter 2018/2019

    18.10.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Lecture in Hannover, IQO D326
    Elke Brehm, TIB Hannover "Urheberrechte und Lizenzverträge" (guest of Apl. Prof.Dr. Carsten Klempt)

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Dr. Rene Gerritsma, Van der Waals-Zeeman Institut, Universität Amsterdam 
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)


    01.11.2018 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 3 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Jörn Stenger, PTB
    (Guest of Prof. Dr.  P. Schmidt)


    15.11.2018 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 2 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Arno Rauschenbeutel, Atominstitut (ATI) der Technischen Universität Wien, Österreich
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)


    29.11.2018 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 4 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Heather Partner, Nature Communication 
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Piet Schmidt.)


    13.12.2018 in Braunschweig

    10:15-12:00 Block-Lecture in Braunschweig (video-broadcast to Hannover)
    Prof. Michael Drewsen, University of Aarhus "Interaction of trapped Ions with optical cavity fields"

    13:00-15:00 TG 2 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Marianna Safronova, NIST/Univ. Delaware, USA  
    (Guest of Dr. A. Kulosa)


    14.12.2018 Lecture in Braunschweig

    10:15-12:00 a.m. in Braunschweig, RZB11
    Prof. Michael Drewsen, University of Aarhus
    "Internal state preparation of cold Coulomb crystallised molecular ions"


    09.01.2019 in Hannover

    15:45-17:30 Lecture in Hannover, IQO E242 
    Prof. Philipp Treutlein, University of Basel
    "Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles I"


    10.01.2019 in Hannover

    10:15-12:00 Lecture in Hannover, IQO D326 Prof. Philipp Treutlein, University of Basel
    "Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles II"

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hemmerich, Institut für Laserphysik Universität Hamburg,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. P.O. Schmidt.)


    24.01.2019 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 3+4 meeting

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Proukakis, Newcastle University, UK
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. K. Hammerer)


    30.01.2019 in Hannover

    15:45-17:30 Lecture in Hannover, IQO E242
    Dr. Enno Giese, Ulm University
    "Atom interferometers and quantum clocks I"


    31.01.2019 in Hannover

    10:15-12:00 Lecture in Hannover, IQO D326
    Dr. Enno Giese, Ulm University
    "Atom interferometers and quantum clocks II"


  • Summer 2018

    19.04.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Dr. Hendrik Weimer. "Introduction to many-body theory and limitations of classical computers"

    13:00-15:00 TG 3 & TG 4 meeting, Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer & Dr. Hendrik Weimer.

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Peter van Loock, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer)


    03.05.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Dr. Hendrik Weimer, "Quantum Simulation as a novel paradigm"

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 meeting, Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt.

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Dan Stamper-Kurn, University of California Berkeley,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Silke Ospelkaus)


    17.05.2018 in Braunschweig

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Dr. Hendrik Weimer, "Analog and digital Quantum simulations"

    13:00-15:00 TG 2 meeting, Priv. Doz. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Gabriele Ferrari, Università di Trento,
    (Guest of Dr. Alessandro Zenesini)


    31.05.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Dr. Hendrik Weimer and Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus "Platforms for quantum simulation"

    13:00-15:00 TG 4 meeting, Dr. Hendrik Weimer

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Klaus Hornberger, Universität Duisburg-Essen,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer)


    14.06.2018 in Hannover (lecture only)

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus "Experimental concepts for quantum simulation with ions in Paul traps"

    28.06.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus,"Quantum spin models with trapped ions"

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 & TG 2 meeting, Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt & Priv. Doz. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Hélène Perrin, CNRS, Universitè Paris,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Ernst Rasel)


    12.07.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus. "Implementing spin models in Penning traps"

  • Winter 2017/2018

    19.10.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Domenico Giulini "Quantum Mechanics and Gravity"

    13:00-15:00 postponed to 02.11.2017

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Hans Bachor AM, Australian National University,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt)



    02.11.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Domenico Giulini "Quantum Mechanics and Gravity"

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 & TG 2 meeting, Priv. Doz. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler, Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Dr. Stefan Danilishin, Leibniz Universität Hannover,
    (Guest of Prof. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt)



    16.11.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt "EIT Cooling"

    13:00-15:00 TG3 & TG4 meeting, Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer & Dr. Hendrik Weimer

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger, TU MÜnchen,
    (Guest of Dr. Dennis Schlippert and Prof. Dr. Ernst M. Rasel),


    30.11.2017 in Braunschweig

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture /Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus "g-factor and mass measurements"

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 meeting, Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Priv. Doz. Dr. Alban Kellerbauer, Universität Heidelberg, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Piet Schmidt),


    14.12.2017 in Braunschweig

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus "g-factor and mass measurements"

    13:00-15:00 TG2 meeting, Priv. Doz. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, University of Mainz
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt)


    11.01.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Tobias Osborne "Physical corner in Hilbert space"

    13:00-15:00 TG3 meeting, Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Tobias Schätz, Universität Freiburg,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt),


    25.01.2018 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language:English, if required)
    Prof. Dr. Tobias Osborne "Physical corner in Hilbert space"

    13:00-15:00 TG4 meeting, Dr. Hendrik Weimer

    15:30-16:30 Colloquium/talk by Prof. Dr. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer and Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt),


  • Summer 2017

    20.04.2017 in Hannover

    13:00-15:00 TG 1 Meeting, Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt

    15:30-16:30 Kolloquium/talk by Dr. Tracy Northup, Universität Innsbruck
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer),


    04.05.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus "Paul & Penning traps"

    13:00-14:30 Colloquium/Talk by Prof. Dr. Francesco Cataliotti, Lens, Firenze, 
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Ernst M. Rasel) 

    15:00-16:00 TG 3 Meeting, Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer


    18.05.2017 in Braunschweig

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English if required)
    Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt: "Semi-classical atom-light interaction + simulations using QUTIP"

    13:30-15:00 TG 2 Meeting, Priv. Doz. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler

    15:00-16:30 Colloquium/Talk: Prof. Dr. Anders Sørensen, University of Copenhagen,
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer)


    01.06.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus: "Quantum gates"

    13:00-15:00 TG 4 Meeting, Dr. Hendrik Weimer

    15:00-16:30 Colloquium/Talk: Prof. Dr. Ralf Menzel, University of Potsdam
    (Guest of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertmer)


    15.06.2017 in Hannover

    15:00-16:30 Colloquium/Talk: Prof. Dr. Walter Hofstetter, 
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main
    (Guest of Dr. Hendrik Weimer)


    22.06.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English if required)
    Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt: "Quantum logic spectroscopy"

    29.06.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English if required)
    Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus: "Quantum computing & quantum simulations"

    13:00-15:00 TG 2 & TG 1 Meeting, Priv. Doz. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler, Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt

    15:30-17:00 Colloquium/Talk: Prof. Dr. Selim Jochim, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg
    (Guest of Prof. Piet O. Schmidt)


    13.07.2017 in Hannover

    10:00-12:00 Vorlesung/Lecture (Level: Master, Language: English if required)
    Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt: "Dynamic decoupling and applications in quantum gates and clocks"

    13:00-15:00 TG 3 & 4 Meeting, Dr. Hendrik Weimer, Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer

    15:30-17:00 Colloquium/Talk: Dr. Hannes Bernien, Havard University, Cambridge
    (Guest of Apl. Prof. Dr. Carsten Klempt),


Organisational committee

Prof. Dr. Klemens Hammerer
Stellvertretende Leitung
Appelstraße 2
30167 Hannover
Appelstraße 2
30167 Hannover
Birgit Gemmeke
Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter
Callinstraße 36
30167 Hannover
Callinstraße 36
30167 Hannover